The RPi Zero has the same pinout as the RPi1 Model A+, B+, and 2B




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  1. albertmelissen

    8 years ago

    Is there any way to add extra USB ports on the Pi Zero? I know that the processor supports more than the single USB port but can any more be added, perhaps by soldering wires directly to pads/test points on the underside of the board?

    1. Adam

      8 years ago

      Just use a USB hub, the standard RPi simply has a USB hub IC built in

    2. albertmelissen

      8 years ago

      Thanks, that is plan B. I’m prototyping an embedded system that connects to an arduino I/O processor via the USB.
      The final design will use the SPI interface. I was hoping to be able to build it all into a small case without tying up the existing USB port.


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