
Up and Down cursor keys
Select previous commands

Use after a command to get help on its options


cd some_directory_name
Go to directory

cd ~
Go to $HOME directory

cd ..
Go up a directory

cd -
Go to previous directory

Where am I - show current directory

List contents of directory

ls -alh
What's here - list all files and folders

mkdir my_directory_name
Make a directory

sudo rm -r my_directory_name
Delete a directory and any files it contains


rm somefilename.*
Remove file or files

cp existing_file.txt new_file.txt
Copy file

cp /some_folder/existing_file.txt .
Copy file to current working directory

Download file
Move or rename file
mv {old-dir-name} {new-dir-name}
Move all files
"mv /path/sourcefolder/* /path/destinationfolder/"

"mv /path/sourcefolder/*.txt /path/destinationfolder/"
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  1. Johannes

    4 years ago

    This site is absolutely brilliant !


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