Used Space On Disk df -h To get the amount of free space on the disk as a single value in kB you can use this: df -k /tmp | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}' or in MB: df -BM /tmp | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}' (info about this here) Used Space Of Current […]
Category: File System
File System General
General Directories Files Move or rename file Move all files
Rubbish Bin
Trash directory is at: /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash If you delete something as root it is at: /root/.local/share/Trash The Trash directory is first created when a user deletes a file. Within Trash there are three subdirectories: files – where deleted files are stored until the trash is emptied info – stores information on where the files once were and […]
USB Drives
Mount A USB Memory Stick / Drive List available devices ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ SDA1 will be your USB memory stick (unless you have multiple). What it means: The SD means SCSI device which also incoporates USB drives. The A means the 1st drive found (the next would be SDB, SDC, etc) The 1 means the first partition of the […]