vsftpd is a faste and secure FTP server for UNIX-like systems
Installing vsftpd
In order to allow the transfer of files between your Mac and your Raspberry Pi, you'll need to set up an FTP connection. To do so,
Enter this command to allow you to take full control of the web server's root directory (this assumes you've already installed apache):
sudo chown -R pi /var/www
Enter this command to install vsftpd
sudo apt-get install vsftpd
Now edit the configuration file for vsftpd to make it more secure and user friendly.
sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
Check "anonymous_enable=NO" to disable Anonymous FTP)
Ensure "local_enable=YES" and "write_enable=YES" are un-commented (to allow you to make changes to the FTP server).
Ensure "local_umask=022" is not commented out (this allows files uploaded as the "pi" user for instance to be served (apache runs as root)
Add "force_dot_files=YES" to the bottom to enable files such as .htaccess
Use CTRL+X to save and exit
Restart the new FTP server
sudo service vsftpd restart
4 years ago
Hi. i’ve followed the tutorial and i can connect through winscp (ftp) to the rpi. the problem is that i do not have access to right anything to it.