stringstream is a handy class that operates on strings.  You can think it a file loaded into something resembling a string, or alternatively as a sort of string that you can write to and read from like a file. It’s not exactly either of those things, but its a simplified explanation.

An example of a stringstream

#include <sstream>
	stringstream ss1;
	ss1 << "Hello, value is " << myInt;
	ss1 << " total";

	//To pass the stringstream to a string:
	string s1 = ss1.str();

	//To pass the stringstream to a char*:
	string s1 = ss1.str().c_str();

Using variables is a stringstream

#include <sstream>
	stringstream ss1;
	int myInt = 54;
	double myDouble = 1.234;
	ss1 << "The int is " << myInt;
	ss1 << ", and the double is " << myDouble;		//You can add to a stringstream like this

BYTE – note you need to use (int) in front of BYTE values, they are not handled correctly without it!

Converting a stringstream into a value

#include <sstream>

	stringstream ss1;
	int my_value;
	//float my_value;
	//double my_value;
	ss1 << "1.234";
	ss1 >> my_value;		//Will convert to int, float, double

Clear stringstream

You need to use both of these (or just create a new stringstream of course):


	ss1.clear();				//Resets the internal error flags (if not called the stringstream object may think it's in an error state (such as EOF), even if the underlying string has been changed).
	ss1.str(std::string());		//Clear out the old string. A bit faster than using: ss1.str("")

Byte uint8_t values

You need to add (int) in front of byte or char values to get them to convert otherwise they will be dealt with as a character (char)

	ss1 << (int)my_byte_value;


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