The signal() function allows you to register your own functions to be called when one of the following signals occur:

SIGABRT – Abnormal termination of the program, such as a call to abort
SIGFPE – An erroneous arithmetic operation, such as a divide by zero or an operation resulting in overflow
SIGILL – Detection of an illegal instruction
SIGINT – Receipt of an interactive attention signal
SIGSEGV – An invalid access to storage
SIGTERM – A termination request sent to the program

Good Resources


In your Initialize function:

	//Functions to be called on these special signals being triggered
	signal(SIGTERM, onterm);
	signal(SIGABRT, onterm);
	signal(SIGINT, onterm);
	signal(SIGQUIT, onterm);

The functions that will be called:

//********** ON TERMINATE SIGNAL **********
//This function is registered in initialise() to be called on various error signal events
static void onterm(int s)
	exit(s != SIGHUP  && s != SIGINT && s != SIGQUIT && s != SIGABRT && s != SIGTERM ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);

//********** ON EXIT SIGNAL **********
//This function is registered in initialise() to be called on the exit event
static void onexit(void)
	//Nicely shut down and application specific things




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