Get the project files from the RPi?

To find out where NetBeans copies the files to on the RPi look in the 'Output' window for "Entering directory", e.g.:

make[1]: Entering directory '/root/.netbeans/remote/'

Note that if you look for this location using the GUI file manager you will need to select the menu option View > Show hidden

From the command line of SSH use this to go there:

cd ""

so in this example

cd "/root/.netbeans/remote/"

To then get your executible you need to move to the sub directory that contains it:

cd dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/


Running your exe from the command prompt

If you are in the same directory:

./myexefile    //The '.' says 'in this directory'

If you are in another directory:


If you need root permissions (e.g. your application uses IO control) then add sudo in front of the command to elevate the command permissions to the root user level:

sudo ./myexefile

To forcibly stop the program use CTRL+Break

Running your exe from the the GUI LXTerminal

As above, but to forcibly stop the program use CTRL+SHIFT+C

Auto running your exe

See here.


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