Configuring LXDE to start the Midori browser on login
This solution works really well. Once the browser loads there is a small black square in the top left of the screen which seems to be a general bug (its mentioned on forums by others) but otherwise the fullscreen mode hides everything except the browser page.
Edit the autostart file:
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
Comment out everything using a '#' at the start of each line and then add the following lines
# Auto run the browser
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@midori -e Fullscreen -a
If necessary use the configuration tool to enable auto running of the GUI on powerup
sudo raspi-config
If you need to exit back to the command prompt
To ensure you have an internet connection first
See here
4 years ago
1stly you have to install midori browser
sudo apt install midori
4 years ago
No longer works but this did…
I’m not afiliated. Just helping to point others looking for this info.
4 years ago
literally tried every option and suggestion from everyone…your codes don’t work
8 years ago
on raspbian 8, instead of
@midori -e Fullscreen -a
I was writing
@chrome-browser -e Fullscreen -a
but it is not working..
and it doesn’t works with the original midori line too..
7 years ago
Sorry for the obviously late reply but I’ve been doing this myself lately.
Try adding
it works a bit different from its midori counterpart but the effect is a full screen web session without address bar.
4 years ago
Also, do not forget that you have to install Midori first (sudo apt update ; sudo apt install midori)… :-)
9 years ago
Nice article, works really well for our customer info points. (Just a R-Pi mounted to the back of a touchscreen, pointed to a local website)
9 years ago
This doesn’t seem to be working for me:
In /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart I have;
@lxpanel –profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm –desktop — profile LXDE-pi
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@unclutter -idle 5
@midori -e Fullscreen -a
The unclutter tool is working (the cursor disappears after 5 seconds, but midori doesn’t launch. and commenting out the first two lines has no effect. I have the pi booting directly to the desktop. The only thing I can think that I installed that messed this up is xscreensaver. Any help would be appreciated!
9 years ago
Hello, form me don’t work, i tried to put the code in autostart file but nothing, can anyone help me?
10 years ago
New here and also new to the Rasp Pi Community. I have a question.
Currently I have a Rasp Pi Running Raspbian with it auto loading Midori into fullscreen going to my desired website url.
My issue is I have changed the font setting in the Midori Browser to font 20+
in which works fine when I load Midori myself. BUT when Midori loads during the auto boot it loads the default Font sizes in which are too small to read. How do I change the font settings so Midori will auto boot and load to full screen with the desired Font setting I choose to have loaded?
10 years ago
If you’re using NOOBs you may need to use the LXDE-pi folder.
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart.
10 years ago
This worked for me- Thank you!
10 years ago
how do I install xset?
10 years ago
sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
10 years ago
I have strange problem, Midori closes itself at night . When is reboot device in morning it start fullscreen and when I leave work its still fullscreen. Next day I come back and midori has closed, only desktop is there. I checked camera where I can see screen and there I can see how midori closes at night, no error message no nothing and so each night same time
4 years ago
When i add the line, “@midori -e Fullscreen -a (for example), Midori comes up, but does not navigate to google. If I leave out “-e Fullscreen -a”, everything works like it is supposed to, just not in fullscreen mode. Ideas?
4 years ago
Important to note that you may need to install xset. Which is depreciated, there is another package named x11-xserver-utils
Other wise the @xset commands will not work. ;)
4 years ago
Nice article. Is there a way to hide the mouse cursor automatically as well?