This library also supports the RPi2 and upwards, with the bcm2836 and upwards chipsets Installing The Library The library homepage In the commands below change the .XX to match the current library version number, e.g. “.37”. If you are using the GUI then open the command prompt using Menu > Other > LXTerminal Using your […]
Category: IO Pins
GPIO interrupts
Good resources
IO Pin Control – General
Permissions Any program that accesses the GPIO pins must be run as root, so if you get an error, remember to “sudo” your command or run your application as root. To avoid this the GPIO pins can be exported and have their ownership changed appropriately [Resource on this wanted].
IO Speed
Using this C code running as an exe on "2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian.img": while (1) { bcm2835_gpio_write(RPI_GPIO_P1_13, 0); bcm2835_gpio_write(RPI_GPIO_P1_13, 1); } the pin output was this: See Also