We no longer use this approach and this page may be out of date – it is left here for archive puropses. We now use NetBeans for C/C++ development on the RPi, see here. Using A Windows PC to develop C code for your Raspberry Pi can be done. These notes on how to do it […]
Category: Eclipse Windows
Adding Libraries To Eclipse For Windows
Libraries installed on the RPi need to be available for eclipse on windows for it to compile then they are used. The following is basically a copy of the solution we came up with for mysql here. Getting Compiled Library Files Into Eclipse For Windows If you are not coding on the RPi itself, for instance developing […]
Create New Eclipse Project For The RPi
Creating A New Eclipse Project Eclipse uses workspaces, which is simply a folder where you have one or more projects. You can switch workspace to a new workspace so if you want to you can simply start with a workspace that has a single project and change to a new workspace when you want to […]
Eclipse General Notes
Adding The bcm2835 Library By Mike McCauley Install the library on a RPi by following the instructions here. Copy the bcm2835-#.# folder after compiling it onto your windows PC using a USB stick. Copy the following files: bcm2835.o libbcm2835.a into the folder: C:\cygwin\opt\cross\x-tools\arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi\arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi\sysroot\usr\lib\ Add the library to eclipse In eclipse, right click your project > Properties […]
Updating Project Settings
Changing The Output File Name Select Menu Run > Debug configurations from the top menu. Main tab Remote Absolute File Path for C/C++ Application: Set to the path where the application will be running on the Raspberry, e.g. /home/pi/projects/my_project.a (you can't use ${ProjName} or ${project_name} here) New RPi IP Address If your Raspberry Pi has […]