Install mlocate sudo apt-get install mlocate sudo updatedb Then use locate my_filename.a
Category: Command Line
COM Ports(1)
Command Line Window Tools(1)
File System(4)
IO Pins(2)
Package Managers(1)
SSH Tools(1)
.Command Line General
Good Resources The Linux Command Line – free pdf book Get previously entered commands Use the up and down cursor keys. Issuing multiple commands in a single line If subsequent commands should only occur if the previous command succeeded use "&&": sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 If subsequent commands should occur regardless of […]
Root user privileges
After logging in as user pi, using this command give you root user privileges: sudo su Exiting root user mode Use the exit command: exit or su username: su pi sudo In GUI If you are developing programs which use the IO pin from the GUI you do not have to use "sudo startx" to […]
Text Files – Editors
nano (Better than vi) sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default vi sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
Soft Reset
For the Debian installation at the command prompt enter: sudo shutdown "now" -r You can also use: sudo reboot The full file path for this command (if you needed it for specific uses) is: sudo /sbin/reboot
Show processes ps -ef List processes ps ax List processes To kill a running program If you need to kill your program running in the background you can use this sudo killall my_project.a